Showing 16 Result(s)

B2B Data on Companies

We offer a growing range of business intelligence datasets Raw data is processed, cleaned, standardized, and integrated into our global database which allows access to business profiles in data files ready to be consumed into your database, application, or BI solution. Thanks to our valuable data assets, we also provide customized data-driven analytics to serve …

Using Intelligent Automation will Put You on the Success Path

Intelligent Automation solutions to revolutionize operational capacity and performance across the enterprise To succeed in today’s era of globalization, hyper-competitiveness, and ever-accelerating business cycles, many enterprises are focusing on smart technology to minimize operational complexity, surge agility and stimulate innovation while lowering the associated costs. Of all the various technologies organizations can implement to accomplish …

These Tech Companies Show What it Actually Means to Be a Tech Disruptor

Harvard Business Review says disruption occurs when a newcomer successfully develops a product or service that can target a segment of an industry otherwise overlooked by incumbent players. Success gives them a foothold, from which they can move into more competitive markets. Whether it’s a radical new business model, the right use case for emerging …

Here’s How You Could Generate Your First Million Dollars with Cardano, Monero, and Dogeliens

Everyone expects comfort and efficiency in today’s world, making it difficult for existing financial institutions to keep up. The blockchain-based cryptocurrency makes monetary transactions faster and eliminates the need for middlemen. Cardano (ADA)  and Monero (XMR) are extremely successful and popular cryptocurrency projects that have created fan bases by emphasizing value and profitability. Dogeliens (DOGET) …